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Flourishing on a Fixed Income: Yes, It’s Possible!

By May 5, 2022February 9th, 2023No Comments

Retirement brings free time that many seniors use for travel, leisure, learning new skills, and pursuing other things they’ve dreamed about for decades. However, not all retirees can afford to do all those things as soon as they leave work. Most live on a fixed or diminished income that poses challenges as new living and healthcare costs enter the picture.

With that said, living on a fixed income does not mean you can’t thrive in your golden years. Making a few tweaks to your budget and strategizing your income can go a long way in creating a comfortable and fulfilling life. Citilink has listed a few tips for getting started!

Make Practical Changes

It may sound obvious, but saving money is the best way to strengthen your financial standing and make room for opportunities in retirement. Nearly half of families increase spending in their first two years after retiring. Fortunately, there are plenty of practical methods for cutting costs.

For example, when you reach retirement, start looking at all of your health insurance options and make sure you are getting the most coverage for the money. You may qualify for a better plan, but the only way to know is to research and speak with your provider!

Also, you could lower your transportation expenses. Taking the bus through services like Citilink can save you a significant amount on fuel, vehicle maintenance, insurance, and other costs. Plus, if you don’t feel comfortable driving, taking the bus is a safer option!

Moreover, many businesses offer discounts to seniors, and when you use these perks regularly, it can add up to great savings. You may be eligible for even deeper discounts if you’re a veteran.

Revisit Your Mortgage

If you need a large amount of cash soon or urgently need to lower your monthly expenses, evaluate your home’s mortgage. You may qualify for refinancing, which would let you decrease your equity to lower your mortgage payment or free up cash. Refinancing is an excellent way to create a manageable budget and less stress.

Think About Downsizing      

If your current home is not accommodating your needs, or if you have a bunch of unused space, you might consider downsizing to a smaller home. Downsizing is an excellent way to simplify your life and boost your income. Downsizing can also leave you with fewer home maintenance responsibilities so that you have more time for relaxation and joy.

Explore Business Options    

Earning extra income is one of the most practical ways to improve your financial situation. There are many types of jobs where seniors can use their decades of experience. But many retirees find that starting a business is the most enjoyable and lucrative option. Along with bringing you profit, launching a company can do wonders for your mental, physical, and social health. Whether you choose to be a consultant, a tutor, a baker, a babysitter, or any other type of professional, you could use your skills and knowledge to flourish.

If you choose to start a business, you will need to draw up a detailed business plan that guides your steps in the first months and years, and you will need to choose a business structure that meets your needs. Then, you can start investing in the tools and equipment necessary for daily operations and learn what you need to know about marketing your new company.

Just because you are on a fixed income doesn’t mean you have to rely solely on it. Consider the budgetary changes above and find other ways to cut costs and open up opportunities. And if you have a flair for entrepreneurship start brainstorming business ideas and taking all the necessary steps for a strong launch!

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