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More Than a Bus- Citilink is a True Lifeline

By February 5, 20252 Comments

Editor’s Note: Please click the video above to see our newest Citilink video, More Than a Bus, and please continue reading below to read a personal letter from Jillian Kreider, Citilink’s Marketing Specialist, on what More Than a Bus means to her.



Hello everyone! My name is Jillian Kreider, and I am Citilink’s Marketing Specialist. Today, I am incredibly honored and proud to introduce our newest Citilink video, More Than a Bus.

This project came to life with the help of amazing community partners: Austin Know, the Wayne Township Trustee; Cassie Beer, Executive Director of the Women’s Fund of Greater Fort Wayne; Mary Ann Mings, Executive Director of Inasmuch Ministry; and two of our incredible riders, Rachel Slone and Kevin Lolow. Their voices, along with so many others, highlight the vital role Citilink plays in our community.

Working on this project has been one of the most rewarding, humbling, and joyous experiences of my life. At Citilink, we work tirelessly to provide a dignified public transit experience, but our impact extends far beyond transportation. We are a community connector, linking people to life’s opportunities, and to so many people, we are freedom. Hearing firsthand over our days of filming this project and how Citilink has transformed lives, I found myself deeply moved—brought to tears as I listened to stories of resilience, of people overcoming hardships, and of all of the opportunities that lie ahead, thanks to access to reliable transportation. From getting to food pantries and doctor’s appointments to securing jobs and achieving personal milestones, our service is more than just a means of travel; it is a lifeline.

These stories are only a few of so many voices of people in our community who are touched by what Citilink does in some way and prove that we are more than just a bus. We are opportunity.

But what does More Than a Bus mean to me personally? As someone fairly new to the Greater Fort Wayne community, the bus was a bridge to my new life here. For my first year here, I was not just a Citilink employee—I was a rider. I relied on the bus every day for work, errands, doctor visits, and exploring my new home. Along the way, I met and made friends with incredible people who shared their stories and struggles, their hopes and gratitude. I gained insight into their experiences, their happiness and their pain points and relayed their feedback to our team. I formed meaningful connections with our drivers and witnessed their unwavering dedication to our riders and our community.

Citilink was my foundation when I moved to Fort Wayne. Without it, I wouldn’t have been able to take this job, build a life here, or give back to the city that welcomed me. Quite simply, I wouldn’t have been able to survive. I am living proof that Citilink is more than a bus, it is the connection between life and opportunity. I find it to be a great privilege and honor to go to work here every day and play my part in making lives and our community better.

Citilink and public transit is the unseen thread weaving our community together. Without it, people couldn’t get to work, couldn’t get to food, couldn’t get to healthcare, people couldn’t connect socially, and as stark of a reality as it is, people could die without access to public transit.

If you take away one message today, let it be this: Citilink and public transit matter. We are not just wanted in our community, we are desperately needed by so many. Please watch our video today and click the link below to learn more about our coalition. Help us advocate for the future of public transit in Greater Fort Wayne. Talk to your local and state leaders about why Citilink is essential to our community.

We all have a voice and we all have a story. This is mine. Your voice matters. Your story matters. Together, we are more than a bus—we are a community.


  • Katherine Keener says:

    If it weren’t for Citilink I’d be walking everywhere….from work,to appointments to getting groceries. I’d like to see the busses run on Sundays so this way I wouldn’t have to walk to work on Sunday but I do because I need my job.Thank you for being there

  • Larry McDaniel says:

    My wife and I rely on Citilink to get to our doctor appointments and go to the grocery store since neither of us drive ourselves. It also helps us to get to events just like the event that Citilink hosted at the Electric Works. Fort Wayne is way too big just to walk all over the city. Citilink doesn’t only help my wife and I to get around this beautiful city, they also help the older people that live here. I personally thank Citilink for being there for us in every way. I have become good friends with a couple of drivers and other staff members. I tell the truth when I say that my wife and I totally love Citilink for everything they do for the community.

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